• M&a big data applications
  • Application of intelligent model for target evaluation
In the technology driven M&a link, American Goheal M&A Group has comprehensively improved the efficiency of M&A processes such as target search, due diligence, valuation analysis, transaction structure design, transaction negotiation, transaction execution and risk management through the application of AI advanced productivity such as M&a big data and target evaluation intelligent model, and realized value locking.
  • Due diligence
  • Transaction structure design
  • Trade execution
  • Target finding
  • Valuation analysis
  • Trade negotiation
  • Risk management
M&a big data applications - Deep data mining
science and technology × M&A - AI M&A Big Data platform

We deeply combine the application of AI big data in the M&a process, through the cutting-edge intelligent data engine specially designed for global M&A transactions, with cutting-edge data processing capabilities, we can obtain accurate M&a information at a second speed, so as to make data driven strategic decisions in the global complex market environment.

Using advanced artificial intelligence technology and big data processing capabilities, the group is able to quickly aggregate large and complex data sets from around the world, including market dynamics, financial indicators and historical transaction information. Through a powerful data capture, cleaning and classification engine, AI technology applications can transform complex raw data into structured and high-value business insights.

AI M&a big data platform combines efficient machine learning algorithms and natural language processing technology to automatically screen and optimize data, remove noise and eliminate redundancy, and ensure the accuracy and timeliness of data. Its intelligent data processing module can analyze data trends in real time, providing in-depth risk assessment, market forecast and insight into potential trading opportunities.

Application of intelligent model for target evaluation
science and technology x M&A -- AI target Valuation intelligence model

Our target assessment intelligence model combines the world's leading M&a theory with modern technology and is designed to handle complex M&A transactions. This model integrates classic evaluation methods such as discounted cash flow model (DCF), market multiples method (market multiples) and transaction multiples method, further integrates frontier theories such as real options analysis and economic value added model (EVA), and forms a multi-dimensional comprehensive evaluation framework.

With the help of advanced methods such as Monte Carlo simulation and scenario analysis, the model deeply analyzes and deals with complex risks and uncertainties, and provides comprehensive risk assessment and trend prediction for policymakers. Through machine learning and big data analysis technology, M&a valuation AI can extract key insights from massive historical transaction data, market dynamics and financial information, and accurately identify the main drivers of M&a success and valuation.

The model also takes into account strategic factors such as market entry, technology acquisition and synergy, so as to provide a comprehensive and dynamic valuation perspective. This target evaluation intelligent model provides strong intelligent support for decision-making, makes informed decisions in a complex M&A environment, maximizes the long-term value and success rate of transactions, and ensures the strategic success of M&A transactions.

Integrated Assessment Framework - Core assessment Engine
  • Integration of classical evaluation methods
    • Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCF)
    • Market Multiples
    • Transaction Multiples
  • Data-driven insight extraction
    • Machine learning technique
    • Market dynamics analysis
    • Big data analysis technology
    • Financial information analysis
    • Historical transaction data analysis
  • Advanced theory integration
    • Real Options Analysis
    • Economic Value Added Model (EVA)
  • Strategic considerations
    • Market entry analysis
    • Technology acquisition analysis
    • Synergistic effect analysis
  • Risk and uncertainty analysis
    • Monte Carlo Simulation
    • Scenario Analysis
  • Intelligent decision support system
    • Risk assessment and trend prediction
    • Identification of valuation drivers
    • Long-term value and success maximization decision support